Become a contributor today.

DSNAME Foundation in collaboration with IDA Maritime organizes approximately 12 annual technical specialist after-work meetings with free entry. The meetings are held in the spring and autumn season, and is advertised through a leaflet published by DSNAME Foundation and through IDA Maritime.

Our continued organization of free events is dependent on our company contributors that help DSNAME Foundation to continue its work and it is therefore important to us that as many as possible contribute to our work.

There are two different forms of contributing:

DKK 2,500.00 excl. VAT, and provides, i.a. access to our on-line event leaflet, invitations, presentations, and a strong network.
Main Contributor:
DKK 10,000,00 excl. VAT, and provides, i.a. a permanent spot in the Planning Group, your logo in our on-line event leaflet and at our events, invitations to events, presentations, and a strong network. 

All contributors can be found here on our website and are mentioned in our on-line leaflets.

If you want to be a contributor, please write to